Today, I went to talk to my TA about a mark I wasn't pleased with. He took one look at me (well, several glances) and told me I deserved a higher mark. He said he'll talk to the prof and try to raise it for me. I deserve it... Except he didn't re-read my paper. In a class of over 100 students, it's pretty unlikely that he'd remember my paper. Nonetheless, he wanted to raise my mark. Very sweet of him.
It was only 3 in the afternoon when I left his office and my ego had already inflated to triple its normal size. Then, as I walk across Queen's Park, a cute guy approaches and asks me for a cigarette. I give him one because, well, come on, he's cute! As I hold a cigarette out for him, he grabs on to my hand instead of my cigarette. He says thanks and I smile. As I continue my walk, I can't help but smile at the fact that a stranger so desperately held on to my hand. Geez, I must be looking nice today.
But the truth is, I'm not that good looking. I'm cute. I have the whole cute Asian thing going for me but I'm not a beauty. I guess that's why it's such an ego boost whenever someone pays attention. I can't help but feel a little vain whenever a greasy, middle-aged construction guy whistles and winks at me. Am I neurotic? Psh, like I have to ask..
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